Started As a Sophomore, Now We’re Here: Celebrating the Class of 2019

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”65″ display=”basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”1000″ gallery_height=”1000″ pauseonhover=”0″ arrows=”1″ show_thumbnail_link=”0″]On Saturday, May 1st the senior class of 2019 were joined by families, friends, and allies to celebrate the completion of their 2.5-year journey in the Parsons Scholars program. Each scholar presented their learning portfolios, the college they’ll be attending in the fall, and the fields they’re interested in studying. The presentations highlighted their values, their skill sets, and how they plan on using their learnings to achieve their future goals. Presentations were followed by collective Q&A sessions with the audience where scholars shared their personal experiences navigating higher education and gave advice on how they stayed true to themselves.

Amongst the shared tears of joy and laughter, we were all grateful to once again be part of a shared community that uplifts one another. The seniors leave the program with a scholarship of completion, six college credits, a Lookbook showcasing their bios and portfolio, and a supportive network of artists, designers, and friends they met along the way. The day ended with a private after-party for seniors! They listened to music, made buttons of each other, danced, and celebrated!

May 18, 2019