Scholars visit Time Magazine’s Photo Desk

On Friday afternoon, a group of both Sophomore and Junior Scholars visited the Photo Desk of Time Magazine with Pete Pin.  We discussed different kinds of photography, the role of photography in print media, as well as types of careers in photography and their conditions.  Pete introduced concepts around mainstream media and marketing, the transition from print to internet based media, and raised moral and ethical questions for the Scholars to begin thinking about.

Today’s trip to TIME magazine was incredible.  I always dreamed of something like that and it seemed so simple with Parsons to get there and to be welcomed.  The feeling I got there was just great.  I learned about different types of photography and how it can be useful in different areas of creativity in the future.  I was fascinated by the idea of photographers that can be writers at the same time and travel to different countries, working on something in particular.  I find this really interesting concerning the fact that there are not a lot of people that find it easy to travel, and to work on photography and writing at the same time.  However, traveling can be dangerous, but I believe that if a person is in love with such a job then it’s incredibly valuable.  I find something really extraordinary in it that keeps my interest.  —Mariya Trukhan

Our tour of TIME magazine was very interesting.  Pete, our guide, gave us an idea of what working for a magazine is really like, and all the effort that goes into it.  He explained the differences between being a fashion photographer and being a documentary photographer.  We found out that documentary photographers get paid less than fashion photographers most of the time.  We also discussed the impact that the internet is having not only on the magazine industry but also in newspapers, books and media.  — Naiky Paradis

On February 24th, I met went for the first time to the TIME magazine building.  It was amazing because I learned how the magazine works.  My questions were about what kind of photography they use and how do they organize the magazine.  With this trip, I have a more clear idea now.  Also it helps me to think more about doing my own magazine.  I want to do one if I have an opportunity to in the future.  —Griselda Vazquez

I learned a lot about photography, and how different it is fpr a person that takes photos of war compared to someone that takes photos of models and important people.  I learned how jobs are different, like how different kinds of photographers aren’t paid the same, and how many pages they usually have and how big their photos can be. —Michael Ortega.

When we went to Time Magazine I thought it was cool. I liked how Pete gave us a tour around.  I got to see many photos that I thought were nice.   I also liked how Pete talked to us about photography. He told me things that I didn’t know.   I really enjoyed our trip. :] —Nyasha. Daniels


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