Orientation + Semester Pre

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”86″ sortorder=”1336,1335,1337,1338,1339″ display=”basic_slideshow” autoplay=”0″ pauseonhover=”0″]Today the Parsons Scholars Program held an orientation for the new sophomore cohort. The day started with an introduction to the program from the Parsons Scholars team and Christopher Musci, the new Director of Art & Design Summer Intensive & Pre-College Programs at Parsons.

Sophomore Youth Advocates Deja and Sophia played a game called SPLASH with new scholars. The ice breaker encouraged students to learn each other’s names and get acquainted. Once the winner of the game was declared, Francisco, the Programs Associate Manager, began reviewing the spring calendar, student commitments, and program expectations. In small groups, students discussed the PSP experience, pre college courses at Parsons, opportunities, and possible challenges. Scholars expressed what they hoped to gain from the program and had the opportunity to ask questions. Lead by mentors Sherleen and Jeanette, they ended the day with the Human Knot game. Clusters of students practiced communication and teamwork as they worked together to un-knot themselves while holding hands.

Today marked the first day of the last semester for the seniors. Seniors were briefed on semester expectations and touched base on college application progress. Mentors Kadeem, Emily and Dirm, shared their past capstone projects in preparation for the senior exhibition. Afterward, scholars practiced time management skills by setting two week SMART goals centered on their college applications. For the remainder of class, scholars worked in pairs on the marshmallow challenge! The challenge tasked with creating a free standing structure using a limited quantity of spaghetti, tape, marshmallows, and string. 

Meanwhile, Junior Scholars re-grouped and created new space agreements for the Spring 2020. They too set personal intentions and goals for the vigorous semester ahead! Additionally, they participated in an exercise with College Access Coordinator, Juliet, to discuss plans for the future as they prepare to jump into college application mode in the summer and fall!