Seniors Prep Portfolios + Juniors at Playtech: November 11, 2017

Senior Scholars

One of the Senior’s biggest days was coming up. The next day was National Portfolio Day at the Javits Center and the seniors brought extraordinary works for their portfolios. They kept working all day to finish, complete or get to a point where they feel accomplished with their new works. The Seniors each received a new portfolio case to bring for National Portfolio Day. With help from the advocates, the mentors and Nadia, the seniors selected 12-20 pieces works they brought with them to display in their new portfolios and organize it to show off their works better. Crystal asked me to talk to the class about my portfolio when I applied to Parsons. The seniors have seen my portfolio in the past so it was a refreshing talk about why I organized my work in that exact order.  – Dirmawan Luawo

Junior Scholars

Junior scholars visited PlayTech at with their advocates Francisco and Sophia. PlayTech is an event which takes place on campus each semester where people can just have fun and discover new games created by different artists. At this event, many of the juniors had fun playing  games while actually learning. They also got to win prizes if they filled out 3 different feedback forms  asking some questions about the game, to help the designer improve their work. A lot of the games that I saw the kids playing were educational but fun, which was the best part. Afterwards, the scholars  went to the computer lab in the UC to discuss upcoming Saturdays and break down what will happen. – Ashley Caba


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