Back to the Grind: Welcoming our new Sophomore Class of 2020! January 27, 2018


We are excited to welcome a new cohort of 24 students into our program, the new Sophomore Scholars! They started their Foundation classes with a joint class to get better acquainted with each other, and created collages to represent themselves on the outside, but also as they perceive themselves on the inside. They were warmly welcomed during lunch by the rest of the PSP family, and in the afternoon, Youth Advocates: Nick and Kevin took the Sophomores to the High Line to locate places around the area that were built with a specific purpose, but repurposed for a different use. The students walked up and down the High Line to draw the found sites in their sketchbook for the rest of the afternoon.

Now that winter break is officially over, the Juniors are back at it again. The Juniors have made it through their fall semester and are ready to begin strong for the spring! With a shopping trip to Blick for supplies and a new Youth Advocate, Elizabeth Peralta, the excitement buzzed well into the afternoon. The Juniors revised their community agreements and got to know Elizabeth a little better in the best way they know how: by playing team-building games in the afternoon!

The Senior Scholars jumped right back into the grind with a workshop on researching possible Scholarship opportunities with their advocates and mentors.


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