Juniors Prep for NPD + Seniors Artist Videos: Saturday October 28, 2017

Senior Scholars

This week focused on writing. Candace introduced the work of Venus X, who is a Latina DJ from Harlem. In the video that was shown, she explains her rocky journey from youth to now and how she changed as a person. We then discussed the video and what the scholars gained from it, such as the fact that she is her own boss and how her career path she is on now wasn’t her original intent. The rest of class time was devoted on writing and editing their essays.

Junior Scholars

Today, the scholars had portfolio review day. Francisco’s friend Diane came over to help look over portfolios and give supportive advice. The scholars had brought in artwork for the portfolios they are building to get constructive criticism from an advocate or Diane herself. Francisco and Sophia made sure that the scholars did their homework which was to bring in at least 10 pieces of work to get evaluated. The scholars spread their work around the room for it to be evaluated. Each scholar had 12 minutes to discuss their portfolio which I found very productive. The scholars had so many questions for their advocate or Diane. Both were very engaged in the portfolio checking and giving the scholars very fair advice. This was all done to help the juniors develop their portfolio work and to get them set for the National Portfolio Day.


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