College & SAT Challenge Accepted: Juniors Prepare for Senior Year

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”31″ sortorder=”764,761,762,760,763,765″ display=”basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”800″ gallery_height=”800″ autoplay=”0″ arrows=”1″ transition_style=”slide” interval=”2963″ show_thumbnail_link=”0″]Junior’s received their SAT diagnostic test results, reviewed sections that were challenging, and began studying for improvement. They took their first rounds of SAT’s this month and have continued to attend SAT Prep. 

Preparing for the SAT’s is the first step as they begin preparing for college applications next year. This month they focused on portfolio development and researching college portfolio requirements. In planning ahead, they began portfolio reviews with various successful artists that have taken different career paths. Reviewers consisted of designer Kelly Walters, creative Nicolas Savvides, fine artist Dianne Hebbert, and creative entrepreneur Michael Donovan. The scholars divided themselves up with the reviewers, three per table, and each discussed their work for 15 minutes. Remaining scholars took notes on the review for their peers till it was time to switch places. Scholars were eager to get their portfolios reviewed by professionals in their respective industries and listened carefully to the wise words of advice they offered.

After receiving valuable feedback, scholars were asked to apply the advice to their portfolio. Spending the day outdoors at Washington Square Park, they were tasked with bringing a medium of their choice to create a work of art outdoors that can add value to their portfolio.