Welcome New Scholars and Happy First Day!

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At the orientation for the new scholars, we welcomed them into the program with introductions of ourselves and the program and with a series of really fun icebreakers facilitated by our new Advocate, Peta. We got to know the new scholars through these icebreakers. We, the mentors, then broke into groups with the scholars and facilitated a group discussion about our interests and goals. We had a great time getting to know each other and some of the scholars even found out that they have a lot in common! We then played a game where the scholars had to remember everything that they told each other. They’ll be sure to remember these things in the future as they grow within the program and eventually grow to be great friends.

On the first day of Academy this year, we shook things up a bit by introducing the new sophomore scholars to the senior scholars, a mix of the old and the new! Juniors were off doing SAT prep that afternoon. New Advocate Peta got everyone in one a fun group activity. It was every Scholar, Mentor, and Advocate for themselves as we tried to stay afloat in our imaginary “lifeboats.” We had a great time getting up and moving around and getting to know each other fast! After, we broke up into small groups of sophomores, seniors, and Mentors to talk about our experiences. What an exciting way to welcome a whole new group to our big, crazy family!





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