Social Justice Expo!

For the 2nd year, the Parsons Scholars were represented by the seniors at the annual Social Justice Expo held at NYU, which is an exhibition social action projects created by NYC youth.

Alan Xicohtencatl, Roxana Santana, Monica Cardona, Raquel Castillo and Mariah Watson did an excellent job explaining their collaboration with Sandy Storyline as well as the design + creation of graphics + videos:


Alan: I loved the fact that a lot of young adults took a lot of pride in their project. I have never been in an expo before but I loved it. The last performance encouraged me to share my feelings,  not just by art but also by speaking my mind.

Raquel:   Coming to the Social Justice Expo 2013 at NYU was very cool. This morning when I woke up I though I was just going to be going to school but I ended up at Parsons. At the expo I was telling people about the entire Sandy storyline project. It was very interesting seeing that a lot of people were coming to our table and asking us questions. I was not nervous or scared because I knew more than enough info about this project. It was great seeing other students from many schools around the city coming here and presenting an issue that they felt was very important to them. It was very good seeing these things and it expanded my knowledge. There were many different ways that people presented their projects, which was great.

Monica:  It was nice being able to show others our projects and having people smile and tell us how great it was.

Mariah: Today was awesome. Our project was successful, we spread a lot of awareness and we definitely had fun hearing about the other topics students were involved with. This Social Justice Expo will be something I’ll never forget. I definitely enjoyed myself.



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