Senior capstone progress!

On the second class of our Seniors’ capstone project, the instructor Ben Rojas introduced the social justice subject the scholars will be tackling. The scholars were presented with images addressing  the Trayvon Martin case of 2012, and were asked to analyze them and come up with their own ideas. Paired up in groups and with limited time, the scholars created posters and drawings inspired by their personal views on the case.

After their lunch break, the seniors were taken on a tour through the Arnold Forum library at our new University Center. Scholars got to explore the new facilities and were informed of the benefits provided to them. They later had one of our reference librarians thoroughly explain the process of acquiring books and navigating online resources from The New School Libraries. Scholars got to learn about important resources that are always available to them, and so they are able to prepare for college level research and writing through the university.

-by Mentor Naiky Paradis, 1st year Parsons undergrad

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