Screen Printing, Sanctuary and Coding : April 7, 2018

Youth Advocate Kevin facilitated a workshop on coding for the Sophomore Scholars that included the background and history to how modern coding came to be, specifically certain types of codes, such as HTML, CSS and Javascript. Some of the Sophomores expressed their concerns about working with coding, stating their fears, and their lack of knowledge in this field. The activity introduced the Sophomores to Adobe Dreamweaver, which was the first time they used the program. They opened up Google Chrome alongside Dreamweaver to view their codes in real time, to see what elements are working and what aren’t, this way, they could adjust their webpage to their liking through codes. With codes, the sophomores were able to learn how to customize their webpage, such as inserting images, changing background and text colors, adjusting text size, font choice and spacing. While they learned a lot within their afternoon session, it was time to head home. The sophomores emailed themselves their webpage files and Kevin recommended Sublime, a free application where they can continue their coding at home without the use of Dreamweaver.

The Juniors are still working on their college essays, and youth Advocates Sophia and Elizabeth have been really helpful by giving the Juniors great feedback on their drafts. The Juniors do seem to be nervous about what they are writing. Most of them are feeling like they are not confident with what they are writing about, but it is all part of the process! “I believe in the Juniors and they will be able to overcome this. I been in this same situation but having someone check over my drafts and helping me to correct my mistakes makes things better for me”, shares Ashley Caba, one of their mentors. The Juniors are getting the help they need and they are on top of their game. They will soon enough have a well written essay that will shine through and best define their unique story.

The Senior scholars spent the morning with their Youth Advocates on a field trip to the Museum of Arts and Design to see Derrick Adams’s exhibition: Sanctuary.  They spent the afternoon with their Capstone faculty Joseph, and special guest Shani Peters. Under Shani’s guidance, the scholars conceptualized and designed symbols in stencil form to represent their research done in Chinatown. They then used those symbols to screen print patterns on fabrics that will later be turned into banners for their final performance in Chinatown. Demonstrating great leadership, the Senior scholars are taking ownership of this performance project and conceptualizing what a “demonstration” could look like in community with the Chinatown residents and stakeholders, to join in solidarity and combat gentrification.  


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