
Our scholars are back! Getting together again for their classes on Saturday and working hard as always, but enjoying it as well. Besides enjoying their classes the students met once again at 2W 13th Street’s 4th floor (Common Room) and gobbled their traditional Saturday pizza. Gobbling and catching up with one another the scholars enjoyed their lunch and were introduced to their mentors. Eventually the scholars broke off into their different groups and both went to different workshops. Stacy’s group went to a College Admissions Workshop with Morgan – who spoke about different aspects of applying to Parsons. He also provided them with insight on how to tackle the Parsons Challenge. Whereas Yashua and Shola’s scholars went to see a presentation on Groundswell by Tanya Frable who spoke to the scholars about this amazing opportunity and the meaning of murals in New York City. The scholars have had their eyes opened to these new opportunities – now its only time to see how far they’ll take them.


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