Photos from the Time Management Workshop

Saturday, October 3, was the first day of pre-college classes for fall and all scholars and mentors attended a time management and organization workshop lead by Parsons faculty Stacy Seiler.

The first activity of the workshop was a race to finish a task list. The scholars were quite surprised at the end of the activity when they realized the last task on their ‘to do’ list was that they could pass over all of the previous 10 steps (getting a blade of grass, organizing skittles by color, drawing portraits of friends, etc.) and sit down and say finished. Senior Sundiata Guerra read through his entire task list, realized he didn’t need to do any of the activities and stated ‘finished’ while his peers ran around gathering grass and following the list. Sundiata won some organization tools and everyone had a good time, a great laugh and learned a lot. To close the event scholars organized their week(s) and month(s) at a glance on a calendar, and realized just how little free time they have and how valuable it is! This was a great first step towards college applications for our seniors!

Shanai and Cherry-Ann fill in their calendars.

Faculty and Scholar Coordinator, Stacy Seiler, introduces the first activity.

Aaminah and Brihanna organize their Skittles!
Sundiata wins by reading through his ‘to do’ list before getting started.

Paul and Nelson also made good choices. They didn’t read through the entire list before starting but they stayed back and sought out other indoor tasks rather than racing outside and back in again.

Dytique gives faculty and scholar coordinator Jessica Cannon a portrait he did of her.

Faculty and Scholar Coordinator Nadia Williams looks on and laughs as the scholars race to pick up the task lists off of the table in the Student Design Center.
After the first activity, students settle in to get organized!

Alexa and Alex enjoy a slice of pizza. It was a great first day of fall Academy!


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