Sophomore Scholars and their advocates visited the International Center for Photography.
Follow lunch, juniors recapped their morning meeting, in which a representative from Arts Connection let them know about an opportunity to present work for an exhibition. Some willing, some reluctant began filling out the application online that was not as easy to find that one might think. Upon completion of the applications the students were then informed that the task would be expanded to finding more information. The juniors then proceeded to write a few sentences on what project they would potentially like to create, along with creating a Pinterest and sharing their findings with their advocators.
Seniors were joined by Nadia, Program Director and Joelle, Program Admin for a special workshop where seniors were encouraged to dream up their ideal futures and think of actionable steps on how to execute these visions. Joelle distributed a handout and seniors wrote along with prompts where they thought about what they want their lives to look like, as well as plan out their time more specifically. The workshop wrapped up with Seniors going around the room and sharing some of their goals.
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