Before We Let Go: College Clinic, Open Studios, & Goal Setting

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”84″ display=”basic_slideshow”]Before We Let Go: College Clinic, Open Studios, & Goal Setting


Today was the scholars’ last day in their Portfolio Development classes and celebrated their morning in Open Studios. In the afternoon, Juliette led a college clinic, where they were able to dedicate time to finish college applications, essays, supplements, photographic and organizing their portfolio, and finish anything that are associated with the college application process. Juliette invited Matthew Villareal and Mev Luna from the New School to the session to help scholars with their college essays and were able to get the scholars to a point where they could continue on their own.


In the morning, scholars presented their work in open studios in all of their individual pre college classes. All of them had the opportunity to talk about and show off their hard work for the semester from 12:00-1:00. At lunch, juniors presented their own group exhibition centering social justice topics that they are the most passionate about. They each shared a zine and a lager creative response to their topic. In the afternoon, mentor Carlos and the youth advocates Nelson and Darielle showed the scholars how to document their work, and mentor Priscilla led a photoshop demonstration to show the juniors how to edit their documentation photos.


This week in the Mentor Fellowship, the mentors had their second visit from Anthony Bryant to continue their discussion on setting a foundation for reachable goals and taking actions on said goals. They started out with having a discussion on their plans for the summer and how it will enrich them and their practices. Most mentors were focused on seeking out internships and/or relevant work experiences within their fields. With this in mind, they did an exercise in which they wrote down all the things would be necessary in the next internship or job that they plan to take on. What kind of experiences do they want, where they would like to work, what skills do they want to gain, and other things. After writing this out, the mentors proceeded to build a list of steps they would need to take to improve their chances of getting the internship or job they want. This could be documenting new work, updating their portfolio, and reaching out to people that can help them. Along with this, they created a timeline in which they should complete these tasks that ranged the length of break up to the end of spring semester. We hope the mentors reach all their goals!